being cook: Lemon Herb Almond Salmon

This week has been so restful. I’m back in yoga and getting into the swing of things in this city. I love getting back into the rhythm a schedule brings. It feels so good to be back in our Brooklyn apartment, having tea and chatting with neighbors. I’m excited to be working on some creative projects. I'll be burning the midnight oil for a while. Keep watching for future FUN! 

Until then, here’s a recipe I love and can’t wait to share. I’ve partnered with the kind folks at All-Clad to share this recipe with you. I used their amazing All-Clad d3 Armor Fish Pan to cook my salmon. The pan was easy to use and helped make this recipe as simple as pie. 

I know some folks cringe when cooking fish is mentioned. Fish may seem complicated to cook. Well, here's a fast and flavorful recipe for yummy salmon I swear won’t make you go crazy.  

Serves 4 


1 lb salmon (cut into 4 small fillets)

2 tablespoons unsalted butter 

1 tablespoon all purpose flour 

1/2 teaspoon salt 

1/2 teaspoon pepper 


1 lemon 

1 tablespoon fresh chopped rosemary

1 tablespoon fresh chopped thyme 

1/4 cup sliced almonds

1 tablespoon chopped parsley 

1 tablespoon unsalted butter

salt and pepper to taste



Preheat oven to 450 degrees fahrenheit. Season freshly cut salmon fillets with salt and pepper on both sides and dust both sides lightly with flour. 

Melt unsalted butter in pan. Place fish, skin side up, in melted butter in pan. Pop into the oven and cook for 15 mins, or until the skin is nice and crispy. 

While fish is cooking, remove the skin from your lemon. Squeeze the juice out of the lemon and cut it up into small pieces in a bowl. This is the base for your sauce. 

When the fish is done cooking, take the fish out and place in serving dish. 

While the cooking pan is still hot, add all sauce ingredients and stir until the butter is melted to form the lemony, almond sauce. 

Drizzle the sauce on the top of the salmon and serve. 

It's as simple as that. Enjoy! 

cookingBrynn WatkinsComment